There are many sharpening devices out there. Every device requires the hand of an operator/clinician, whether it is the position of the stone or the instrument being sharpened. There is always room for error, and loss of the correct angulation decreases the life of the instrument and the effectiveness of activation during instrumentation. That is why utilizing sharpening services provides consistent accuracy in angulation and cutting edge of the instrument. Please refer to the link below, from RDH Magazine, which discusses in great detail the benefits of sharpening services.

The Cutting Edge Isn't All There Is...
Precision Dental Sharpening not only provides services to maintain sharp, effective hygiene instruments, but we also care for surgical and orthodontic. We provide handpiece repair and cleaning, as well as sharpening of scissors and shears. We are all about sharp, timely service which is why we also offer on-site services using our mobile workshop. Our business also accepts shipped instruments and handpieces. It is our desire to offer options for how we may best serve you and your office.